Monday, March 01, 2010

After the Message

Yesterday we talked about John 6:28-35 where Jesus says, "I am the bread of life."

Here's the thing - too many of us are walking around exhausted and burned out because we think (or at least we live) as though the world depends on us. We're afraid that if we don't do enough our kids won't turn out right, our job will fall apart, our marriages won't work, our livelihood will be in question, etc.

John 6:28 - the people ask Jesus what they must do to do the work God requires. Typical. The crowd thought they could add God to their to do list. They thought they could do enough to get in good with this guy who could walk on water.

Jesus answer: "The work God requires is this: to believe in the One he has sent."

Dang, you mean the world doesn't depend on me? I can't save myself? I can't work my way into God's good graces?

6:34 - Jesus comes all the way down from heaven to give life to the world. Catch that, Jesus does the work. Jesus gives life.

6:35 - "He who believes in me..." i.e. puts their trust in me, depends on me, let's me be the giver/sustainer/provider, "will not be living on an empty tank."

Jesus is the bread of the world - all on His own, Jesus gives life and sustains it.

We've gotta stop trying to be all things and do all things for all people. On our own, we'll burn out and we won't be able to do what God asks us to do well, which is believe in Jesus.

Who and what do you need to say "no" to this week? What good ministry do you need to let go so you can do the great ministry God has called you to do?

1 comment:

The Story Chronicles said...

Best sermon I've heard at ARC yet - and I've heard some good ones! Thanks for the motivation and inspiration and the gift of knowing none of us has to be/do it all.