Thursday, March 04, 2010

Loving Your Kids

Do you know that the best thing you can do to love your kids is love Jesus? Seriously, the best thing you can do to care for your kids, provide for your kids, encourage your kids, etc. is have a passionate, ongoing relationship with Jesus Christ. And yet, how often do we use our kids as an excuse for not spending time with God and pursuing that very relationship?

Do you know that the next best thing you can do to love your kids is love your spouse? Research consistently shows that kids mimic the relationships they see growing up. If we want our kids to be in healthy relationships, we need to demonstrate a healthy relationship. And yet, how often do we use our kids as an excuse for not spending time with our spouse?

Do you know that the next best thing you can do to love your kids is to spend time with them? Our society will give you 80 million places to send your child and things for your child to do that will enhance their intellectual capacity and make them the next greatest thing since sliced bread. Not one of them compares to the time you will give them to focus on them, have fun together and pray together. And yet, how often do we forego our relationship with God and our spouse for the sake of our child who we're sending somewhere else anyway so we can impress our friends with how advanced our kids are?

I'm not an expert. But for any parents reading this who spend a lot of time worrying and stressing about whether they're doing the right thing. Start here:
Love Jesus
Love your spouse
Be with you kids
No Excuses

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