Thursday, January 06, 2011

Overcoming Early Setbacks

Sunday I preached about dreaming big and truly making way for the God who shuts the mouth of lions. Monday morning I blogged about it briefly, and then...

The Great Stomach Bug of 2011 hit the Williams house and the Ashley Ridge staff!

As of this morning, we are officially two full days behind at work (which feels monumental) and our energy stores generated by holiday rest and new year excitement are depleted.

It's hard to recover when you never really had traction to start with.  Often, it's the perfect excuse to let it go, decide it's not the time or not the right scenario and just get back to living day-to-day, trying to keep your head above water.

Can I suggest there's another way?  

It's still early and the good news is you haven't lost much because it's early in the game.  Give yourself time to recover, grace for a re-start and humility to call a mulligan.  Make today your new start day!

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