Tuesday, November 02, 2010

The Time I Always Waste and the Time I Never Waste

Time I Always Waste:
1. Time spent worrying
2. Time spent critiquing other people so I feel better about myself
3. Time spent playing solitaire to turn my brain off (there has to be a better way)
4. Time spent watching excess television

Time I Never Waste:
1. Time spent praying
2. Time spent reading my Bible
3. Time spent getting dirty and out-of-breath playing with my 20-month old
4. Time spent on a date with my husband or cooking dinner for us to eat together at home

How about you? What time do you waste and what time do you spend well? Which area are you currently spending more time on?

1 comment:

Greg said...

I am happy to see that reading I'm just sayin... didn't make the "Time I Always Waste" list. :)